
4 Common Mobile App Security Threats - and What to Do About Them

Last updated: September 2, 2022 ·

Software development is different from some other disciplines because legitimate developers have to contend with a very active community of hackers working to undermine their work. Mobile app security threats are always a consideration for developers in protecting their apps and users. The development process needs to include strategies to avoid or prevent a data or security breach, for example. In this blog post, we’ll look at 4 common mobile app security threats, and some actions to consider to prevent them.

Data Theft

Data theft is a serious threat to mobile app development. Attackers may steal data to use for criminal purposes, such as identity theft or financial fraud. Hacking damage can have a ripple effect beyond the initial leak if thieves sell the data on the black market and other criminals purchase it.  

Attackers can steal data in a number of ways, including hacking into the app's servers, stealing the user's login credentials, or intercepting traffic between the app and its servers. They can also install malware on the user's device to extract data from the app.

Hacking damage can have a ripple effect beyond the initial leak if thieves sell the data on the black market and other criminals purchase it. Share on X

Data theft can have a serious impact on businesses that develop mobile apps, damaging their reputation and leading to financial losses. In some cases, it can even put them out of business.

Steps developers can take to protect data from thieves include using strong authentication methods, encrypting traffic between the app and its servers, and installing malware protection software on users' devices.

Another way that app developers can protect their apps against data theft is by using secure coding practices. These practices use encryption and other security measures to protect the data that is stored on the device and ensure that the code is well-protected against malware and other attacks. 

App developers can also use application shielding tools to help protect their app from hackers’ attempts to reverse engineer the technology and steal the IP. 

Session Handling Issues

Session handling issues are a problem for developers because they can cause unexpected results. For example, if a session is lost, the app may log out the user abruptly or serve up different content than they were expecting. This makes it difficult to troubleshoot and fix the problem not to mention it is also confusing and frustrating for users. Unhappy customers can place a strain on customer service resources and create poor reviews that hurt future sales.

Developers can prevent session handling issues from arising in their mobile apps with a few safeguards. One is to use a session management library or framework, which will help handle the sessions for them. 

Another way to avoid session handling issues is to store the session ID securely. Developers should invalidate sessions when they're no longer needed, and not keep stale sessions open very long.

Developers can also use secure connection methods, such as HTTPS, to keep user data safe. They can also use session management tools to help keep track of users' sessions and ensure that data is properly synchronized between devices. Finally, developers should include thorough testing in their workflow to catch any potential problems with session handling.

Broken Cryptography

Mobile applications use cryptography to protect user data and communications. Broken cryptography compromises the safety of user data and communications. And can lead to data theft.

Fortunately, developers can take steps to protect app users against broken cryptography. One is to use vetted, reputable cryptographic libraries such as OpenSSL. Secondly, developers should implement cryptography correctly, using appropriate error checking and verification. 

Developers can also use a secure key management system, which helps keep data safe.  Finally, developers should always keep up to date on the latest security vulnerabilities and patches and proactively prioritize app updates.  

Reverse Engineering

Reverse engineering is a problem for mobile app developers because competitors utilize it to steal their intellectual property. Competitors can copy an app's features or design to improve their positioning in the marketplace. 

Unfortunately, some hackers use reverse engineering to create malicious apps that exploit weaknesses in the operating system or other apps.

So while it may seem like it creates extra work, teams need to take steps to protect their apps against reverse engineering. One technique is to use obfuscation tools, which make the code more difficult to read. Another measure is to use code-signing certificates, which ensure that no unauthorized persons  have tampered with the code.

Moving Ahead

While the security threats that mobile apps face may seem daunting, developers have many resources and a supportive community to help them take precautions to protect their users and their data. By understanding these threats and taking steps to mitigate them, you can help ensure the safety of your app’s users.

Mobile app security is a critical consideration for the success of the app. Sometimes teams may benefit from additional support in this area. If you would like to discuss the security of your app, feel free to contact us

Best Practices Checklist to Protect Against Mobile App Security Threats

Data Theft 

  • Use strong authentication methods
  • Encrypt traffic between the app and its servers
  • Install malware protection software on users' devices
  • Use secure coding practices that use encryption and other security measures
  • Use application shielding tools

Session Handling Issues

  • Use a session management library or framework
  • Store the session ID securely
  • Invalidate sessions when they're no longer needed
  • Use secure connection methods, such as HTTPS
  • Use session management tools to track of users' sessions and synchronized data between devices
  • Test apps thoroughly to catch any potential problems with session handling

Broken cryptography

  • Use well-known, reputable cryptographic libraries that have been tested and vetted
  • Check that cryptography is implemented correctly, using appropriate error checking and verification
  • Keep up to date on the latest security vulnerabilities and patches 
  • Keep on top of updates

Reverse Engineering

  • Use obfuscation tools, which make the code more difficult to read
  • Use code-signing certificates, which ensure that the code has not been tampered with


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